Wednesday, October 7, 2015

5 Ways to Earn With First Vita Plus

Officially There are 3 ways to earn with First Vita Plus, but in reality you can earn in 5 different ways.
The first, of course is from direct selling.
 You pay Php 578 ($13.13) with your 25% discount for  any of the baseline FVP products, sell them at the MRP and pocket the difference. Need more income, sell more or step up to more premium products. There well over 100 in the catalog.
The second way to earn is through  sales commissions.

This could be thought of as step two in the business plan. You help someone else improve their life with First Vita Plus and as a reward you receive Php 500 ($11.36). 
Best of all though, once they have purchased their first Power Pack they are now qualified to become a dealer at no extra charge to you or them.
It doesn't matter if have one direct referral or 199 you will always get the same Sales Commission for helping them improve their health and position in life.
Now we get to the part where it really starts to get good. Since First Vita Plus is built on the idea that the more people you have in the field the more people you can help and recognizes that the most efficient way of doing this through mentoring, they reward you for helping your people help others with a Sales Override Commission.
For every new dealer that your people sign up they not only receive a Sales Commission, you receive a Sales Override Commission worth Php 385 ($8.75).
This is profit you make by doing nothing more than giving them advice and encouragement.
Not only do you receive the PV that you can use to buy more First Vita Plus products to sell or do like my wife and myself and use yourself, but FVP will give you an additional rebate. That is clean profit.
Starting to sound good, you still haven't heard the best part. Want to see some real money. Here it comes. When you sign up a new Direct Referral you assign them to either your A side or B side and when any 2 an A and B match up you get a check for Php 1500 ($34.10) as a Group Sales Override Commission.
As you can see from the graphic above, it doesn't even have to be your own New Dealer Signup, it can be from one of the people that you are mentoring. 
There is no leveling or balancing, just a simple 1 to 1 reward system that pays you big.
There you have it 5 ways to earn with First Vita Plus. To learn more about purchasing our great products or joining our Health and Wealth Team just use the Contact Form on the right, add a comment below or in the Philippines call or text

Saturday, October 3, 2015

All Organic Power Herbs

The secret to First Vita Plus lays in the 5 Power Herbs found in every formula. They provide all of the vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients and phytochemicals that your body needs to stay healthy. 
Studies have shown that even if you eat what is considered a healthy diet, loaded with veggies, that modern farming methods have robbed our food of much of it's nutritional value. The soils have become depleted of the vital micro-nutrients we need and that chemical fertilizers can't provide. 
That is why all First Vita Plus suppliers undergo yearly soil sampling and their farming methods are closely monitored to assure a truly organic product that protects both the soil quality and nutritional value of their crops.

Fight Cancer with First Vita Plus Guyabano Gold Soursop Fruit Drink

In clinical studies Guyabano has been found to be ten thousand times more effective than traditional Chemo treatments at fighting some types of cancers. It is all natural, has no side effects and is safe for children and the elderly alike. Try First Vita Plus's Guyabana Gold Soursop Fruit Drink and experience the healing power of nature in an easy to digest flavorful drink.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

First Vita Plus "Group Sales Override Commisions" (GSOC) system

The beauty of this system and the biggest thing that sets First Vita Plus's system apart from other MLMs is how simple it makes it to earn and keep track of what is going on. 
There is no balancing of legs or having a slug kill your prospects. When any First Vita Plus Pack sale on one side matches any sale on the opposite side you get paid. Level doesn't matter. Position doesn't matter and since you can have as many people as you can recruit on either side , someone who doesn't produce hurts no one but themselves. You aren't forced to support them to protect your earnings. Best of all this is just one of three ways for you to earn with First Vita Plus.
Great products you can be proud to represent, simple to understand pay structure, a healthier and wealthier life style; these are just a few of the things that makes First Vita Plus a winner.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Lady Finger Tea to Help Fight Diabetes

Wow! Pure okra tea is a great way for diabetics to naturally regulate their blood sugar. Studies show that it also acts as a laxative, and facilitates in the healing of ulcers and the reduction of acid reflux. An excellent source of calcium, thiamine and riboflavin it also helps provide iron as well as vitamins A & C to help support your immune system and you won't believe the taste.
Comment or PM me for more information

Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Simple Explination of How You can Earn with First Vita Plus.

Can’t say that I love the sales pitch, but this is the best short explanation that I have found on the First Vita Plus business model in English. Don’t shot the company because of the messenger. If you are interested in joining our team or would like more information just message us on the right, leave us a comment or contact us through our Health and Wealth FaceBook Page.

Another First Vita Plus Miracle

Since 2006, Mr. Baldomero has been suffering from psoriasis, diabetes &periodic bouts of pneumonia. For 11 months he was completely bedridden, but after taking First Vita Plus 3x a day for just 1 week, he was able to stand up and his ulcerated wounds caused by the effects of psoriasis and diabetes were healing nicely